Why do I feel anxious all the timeIf you feel anxious all of the time then we can help. It is likely that you are having trouble managing your emotions and they are getting on top of you. We can help you manage those emotions and stop anxiety steeling you confidence. Our online video workshop thats teaches you how to manage anxiety is compatible on all digital hardware. Our online anxiety video workshop has a number of great endorsments, lets take a look. Order our Understanding Anxiety, the Conscious and Unconscious Mind workshopOur online video workshop that teaches you how to manage anxiety has proven results. We are confident it will help people manage anxiety gaining greater confidence. Here are the prices for individuals and businesses.Individuals price: £150 Non-profit community groups with more than 5 people Price: £225 For Businesses or Organisations with more than 5 people Price: £300 Use the form below to send us your details and we will get back to you with an order confirmation. |