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Another tragic suicidal death in Wales

Firstly we would like to offer our condolences to the family of Rhiannon Williams pictured below.

We hope you're well and like to commend you for raising the issues surrounding suicide through your BBC article today.

In the BBC article they report that Rhiannon was a high achiever and a creative writer. Clearly she had great talents. This is the tragedy of suicide it robs people of their right to go on live their lives well.

Rhiannon's father wants to raise the awareness of poor mental health to parents so that suicicde does not rob their children of their futures. Here is the article linked below if you would like to read the full story.


Suicide rates in Wales are climbing

In 2023 it was clear to see that suicides are increasing in Wales. The graph from the ONS confirms this.

We want to help people away from suicidal thoughts. Dean who setup Striding Forwards to help people with their anxiety and confidence problems has produced a mental health anti-stigma talk. It is a motivational talk that can give people hope that people can overcome mental health conditions and go on and do wonderful things.

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Email: info@stridingforwards.co.uk

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