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Increasing social media engagement for St Vincent's Centre, Ely Bridge

We have increased social media engagment for St Vincent Centre, Ely Bridge. People reach has increased by 935%, with Facebook page visits increasing by 301%. We have seen upto 50 new faces coming to the centre receiving support in a variety of areas and that includes mental health. Here are those stats pictured below.

Publishing quality content that is interesting to people in the Ely area of Cardiff has helped raise awareness of St Vincent Centre, Ely Bridge. Here are stats and examples of posts.

These stats show our committment to organisations helping them with solutions that can help people with mental health in communities across the UK. Ely in Wales, Cardiff being an example.

Our Services

How can Striding Forwards help you? We have four core services. Press or click the buttons below to view more about each service or more about Striding Forwards.

Contact us

For any further information contact us we are happy to help.

Email: info@stridingforwards.co.uk

Tel: 07938 057 451