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Look at mental illness in a positive way

We understand that not all mental illnesses are the same, some people may need more support than others according to the mental condition they have, but all have something to offer no matter how big or small. What do we mean about being positive about mental illness? Well people who have mental illness are faced with positive attributes of a mental illness and negative ones, and it is how we get the most out of the postiive attributes and manage the negatives do we gain advantages.

Nobody who has a mental illness should crawl into a dark hole thinking they have nothing to offer, we have plenty to offer. Look at these two Google search listings.

Did you know it takes a team of people to get these listings to rank in the Google search listings, and all of them are likely to be gifted with all kinds of positive mental attributes, from people working in the following roles based in the digital marketing industry:

* SEO Analysts
* Content Writers
* Content Co-ordinators
* Digital Media Specialists

Each one is responsible for getting those first page listings within the Google search engine that are worth millions to companies. People who have mental illness can be exceptional at gaining Google search listings, and this is what we mean about being positive about mental illness, people with mental illness can actually be very good for organisations working in all kinds of sectors.


Because those people who have mental illnesses can have positive attributes to take advantage of, such as:

* Analytical minds
* Able to spot patterns
* Able to think in ways others cannot

It is not that someone is special or has something superior against somebody else, it is just that some people are gifted with attributes they can make use of, as others will have their own unique gifts, every gift can help an organisation, why? For example, for every search listing gained in the Google search engine create's revenue for organisations, that revenue goes towards profits helping create jobs and all sorts that benefit organisations in their growth.